Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend Update Part 1

Man, this weekend was so nice. I felt it went by nice and slowly and I was able to pack as many things into it as I could! I am on the home stretch of the 24-day challenge and I am pretty bummed that it is ending so quickly. I look back and think of the beginning when I didn't think I could do it, but with only 5 days left I am kicking butt. If I can do this, anybody can.

Now for a quick recap of my weekend, I know you are dying to read all about it! Friday night I went out with some girls from work. We had dinner & went bowling. I can't remember if I wrote about it on Friday but I printed out the nurtritional information for the restaurant that we were going to. Holy smokes, I think if anybody read the actual content for the meals they were enjoying, we'd all be sticking to lettuce and water. It's insanity. I'm not preaching whatsoever, I of all people enjoy meals out. Especially when they involve hot wings and beer. I digress...I scoured the menu and finally picked out something that I could eat. I had to modify it without so that left me with lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and a grilled chicken breast. I asked for buffalo wing sauce on the side for my dressing but I actually packed a container from home and used that. I do admit I did have two fork-dips of the wing sauce. It was so good. The little things I guess! After dinner we went bowling, and I suck. For real. I didn't even break 60, I shouldn't have even wasted my money; it was that ridiculous. I got home around midnight and my oh-so-thoughtful husband ordered pizza! Yes, pizza. I could have kicked him in the, well you know. Argh, I answered the door and the lady told me they had just come out of the oven...well clearly they had to of or else you wouldn't be able to deliver them if they were still in there. Does your delivery bag have a built in oven? Wow, never have seen that before! The pizza smelled delicious, seriously it was the most tempting thing this whole time. I stood over it and smelled it for a good 5 minutes until I ran off upstairs to bed. Guess who follows me with a big plate of pizza? Yep, Steve. He decided he wanted to eat it in our room. Thanks, honey.

Saturday was busy busy busy. My little sister (well she's 15) wanted to go shopping for Tax Free Weekend. Ok, I'm cool with that. We can handle any crowds out there, no biggie. We hit Concord Mills about 10 am Saturday and I'm glad we did. Have you ever seen how BIG that parking lot is? I may be on a diet, but I'm still lazy. I will still circle 5 or 6 times before I find a close spot. Luckily we found one on the first try and hit the mall. We spent 4 hours there, by the time we left it was a complete zoo. That is pretty much par for the course though when you go to Concord Mills. I had Salsaritas for lunch, I love the mexican places. They are so easy to customize your food so you know exactly what you're eating.  I also love Salsaritas and Moes because they have an awesome interactive nutrition section on their website. I still have the other half of Saturday and all of Sunday to write about, but I'm afraid it'll have to wait. I'm on a time limit here.

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